How do you feel about 2020?

Growth begins with inspiration.

Even though there is much turmoil in the world, I’m feeling pretty good overall about this year. I see more and more people beginning to:

  • See the reality of the world, not the picture that is painted of how it is
  • Break out of old, no-longer-necessary patterns and find a new and brighter person inside
  • Be content within themselves, no matter what is going on outside – pursuing inner peace over happiness.

At the beginning of a new year, there is often a desire to make some changes in your life. You perhaps see more clearly the limitations of your past views and perspectives, and how things could be better. You make resolutions to state your intentions. Unfortunately, this may be followed by inertia or sluggishness, an internal conflict that keeps you where you are. It requires energy to overcome this mental stuck-ness. Inspiration may be the key to finding that energy and getting yourself moving.

So, let’s unpack that a bit. What is Inspiration? Merriam Webster says:

1a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
So maybe connect more closely with a higher power, however you define that higher power.

b: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
This is the end result!

c: the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
How about asking other people how they get inspired?

2: the act of drawing in specifically : the drawing of air into the lungs
Connecting to breath!

3a: the quality or state of being inspired
With practice, is it possible to put yourself in an inspired state of mind?

b: something that is inspired // “a scheme that was pure inspiration”
An object of inspiration!

4: an inspiring agent or influence
A person as inspiration!

Let’s bring all of this back around to the practice of Mindfulness. When we intermingle breathing with connecting to a higher power, we find the basis for a meditation.

A Meditation on Inspiration

What does it mean to you, specifically, to be inspired? How do you feel when you get inspired? Think about previous times you’ve felt inspired – your energy level, the expression on your face, the emotions you felt.

Take a moment to find a comfortable seat and take a few deep breaths, inspiring and expiring. Let the busyness of the day settle within you like ripples in a pond, diminishing over time.

As the thoughts clear and settle, drop the word inspiration into the pond. See how it shakes up the water, both surface and depths, until eventually the stillness returns. An inspiration is a way to shake things up, to rearrange a perspective or a view and to generate energy – energy that you can use towards something important to you.

As the stillness takes over again and you contemplate your breath, think about a feeling you get when you’re inspired, whatever it is. Does the feeling have a color, a scent or a shape? Something tangible? Be with the feeling and let your mind wander, see if something insistent is projecting on your awareness. Is inspiration knocking?

You can repeat this clearing and calming, then shaking up and reforming, and see what transpires! Once you feel a seed of inspiration, dwell on how it will feel to put that inspiration towards an important goal or change. Focus deeply on how good it feels and all of the details that make it real: the congratulations of loved ones and friends, emails you receive about it, the deep sigh of satisfaction. Make it real in your mind. Now create a short affirmative statement that captures the essence of your inspiration.

Feel gratitude for the work you’ve done with your higher self to create this inspiration. Inspire and be inspired! Happy 2020!

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