About Peter Hall

Hello, I’m Peter Hall. Born in Glasgow Scotland, I came to the US in 2000. I have enjoyed a professional career in Industrial Engineering, with a particular focus on Quality Management. I’ve always tried to have a philosophy of quality in everything I do. Several years ago, I began to appreciate some of the more spiritual aspects of life, and had some profound insights into how to think (as opposed to what to think).

For me, there was a definite moment when something clicked in my mind and I became aware of a space I had never been aware of before — that “I” was not my thoughts, not my emotions – but an awareness of those. This realization is an essential element of Mindfulness. I came to realize that I have a choice about how I feel and what I think at any time. I’ve had further insights since then, all because of that first shift in my perception – The First Thing that changed in me.

Since that change occurred, I’ve been working to understand how I might help others to experience that shift. This inspired me to begin to create an introductory series of discussion classes on Mindfulness, as I found there was a lack of subject matter on where to start in learning about it. Ultimately, it’s not merely an intellectual understanding, it has to be experienced. That experience opens the door to inspiration, and the power to change anything else that we want to change in our lives.

This website, and my live sessions, are my contribution to improving the understanding of The First Thing we need to experience to become more mindful. I welcome you to the process, and thank you for joining me on this journey to recreate our lives!